
Matthew Wei
5 ways to deal with Boatyard BS. Guest Author: Megan Waldrep

5 ways to deal with Boatyard BS. Guest Author: Megan Waldrep

Photo credits to Bri Dwyer   This is a guest post by writer Megan Waldrep. Her fiancé is a California spiny lobsterman and Alaska sockeye salmon fisherman. Megan’s blog focuses on the highs & lows of being a partner of a commercial fisherman, including interviews with other partners that touch the heart. For more stories like this, visit Girl, let me break it down: fishermen talk more than any group of people I know. Seriously. If you pop in a boatyard on any given day, 8 times out of 10, you will find fishermen standing around and chatting rather than...

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Jordan Quaglietta
What Do Crabs Eat?

What Do Crabs Eat?

Every living thing is on one side of the food chain or the other. We eat to live and we live to eat. Crabs are no different from other species. They may seem like simple fellows, just bopping about the seafloor, occasionally molting and breeding, sometimes fighting off intruders, while other times falling in love—but simply they are just trying to live their best life! Surprisingly, their food preferences aren’t as simple as you would think and the other species who prefer them for a meal are diverse.  Keep on reading to discover how crabs hunt, how their environment affects...

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Jordan Quaglietta
Leek and Crab Lasagne Recipe

Leek and Crab Lasagne Recipe

Are you looking for a crab recipe that is a little more filling, yet is still healthy and packed with all the nutrition you need in a meal? This leek and crab lasagne will impress your friends and family, as well as your taste buds.  In case you are wondering...leeks are in the same category as the chive or scallion and are in the onion family; they have a sweet, mild flavor that makes them great for soups, stews, and other dishes with multiple ingredients.  Leek and crab lasagne is lighter and more refreshing than the meat version, and it...

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Jordan Quaglietta
Broiled Brioche Dungeness Crab Melt Recipe

Broiled Brioche Dungeness Crab Melt Recipe

Image Credit: Rob Howard @ Food and Wine Host a delicious luncheon that your guests will be talking about for a while with this unique take on a seafood melt. Dungeness crab meat, along with the light and crisp flavors of apple, red onion, and parsley will satisfy your taste buds. After adding in truffle butter and Gruyère cheese, you will have yourself a seemingly fancy and impressive lunch; but keep the secret to’s actually quite an easy and simple recipe to make.  With over 1,500 5-star ratings on Food and Wine, this recipe is a winner. Vitaly Paley,...

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